> Clickomania.ch! > Progs > Clickomania next generation
Clickomania next generation
If you are experiencing problems submitting web results: There is a solution for this problem. Here are the details.
Clickomania is now open source. Please read more here!
Clickomania! is an exciting freeware game for young and old. When you start the game, the board is filled with tiles. You are supposed to eliminate all these stones by clicking on groups of stones with the same color.
Clickomania is a cult game with more than 3 million players worldwide. It offers offers several varied game modes, web scores and much more.
The game is suitable for kids and young players and a challenge for adults.
It «speaks» English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian and Greek.
More about Clickomania!
Clickomania next generation screenshots
Clickomania next generation documentation: Here, you'll find a lot of information about the new version, the features and background information no one has read before.
Clickomania next generation web scores: 4Farben, Actions, Classic, Freaky, Online
If you want to download the previous version: It is available as Classic Clickomania.
Clickomania lifestyle (Versions for mobile phones, Macintosh, Gameboy, Linux, Java DOS and Palma and Clickomania add ons and links)
The Clickomania next generation Game Designer: It allows you to create your own Clickomania files with an individual look, particular sounds and your very own hand. Perfect for creating original presents for your friends or to promote your website, products ans services.
Clickomania next generation – Download
Version 1, Freeware:
Clk.EXE (943 KBytes)
System requirements: Clickomania next generation runs under Windows NT, 2000, XP and Vista (only 32-bit versions tested). And of course under Windows 95, 98 and ME as well. High color or true color display and sound card recommend! Program is in English, German, Spanish*, French*, Italian*, Russian* and Greek*.
With the following language resource file(s), you can install additional languages for Clickomania.
Espanol (Español/Spanish, translated by Francisco J. Arrillaga, 74 KB)
Francais (Français/French, translated by René Beyaert, 40 KB)
Italiano (Italiano/Italian, translated by Marco Di Giglio, 73 KB)
Russian (Русский/Russian, translated by Vitik, 75 KB)
Greek (Ελληνικά/Greek, translated by Βασιλης Μανδρατζης, 71 KB)
To install a language file: Put the content of this archive into the Clickomania program folder (usually c:\programs\clickng), start Clickomania, press the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl” + “C” to bring up the configuration dialog, open the tab “Language” and select the language of your choice in the list of the available languages.
If you like this program, please support my work with a donation!
> Donate at Kagi.com
PAD file
If you are running a shareware website or produce software compilations on CD or DVD, please use this PAD file (Portable Application Description) for your documentation: clickng.xml